New York Yankees vs. Seattle Mariners

Trip Details
Date : Wednesday 5/31
Cost : $139 per person

NOTE: This tour is officially sold out!

Let’s head out to the ballgame! Enjoy America’s favorite past-time as the Seattle Mariners take on the New York Yankees!

$139 per person includes a seat in Section 146 Rows 12-16, a $20 meal card, round-trip transportation, drop off/pick up at main gate and more!

Call 866-235-5247 to reserve your seat.

02:15p – Depart Affinity in Bellingham
02:30p – Depart Bellingham Four Points by Sheraton
03:00p – Depart Burlington Airporter Shuttle Office
03:30p – Depart Stanwood Park & Ride
04:00p – Depart Marysville Tulalip Hotel & Casino
05:00p – Arrive T-Mobile Park (gates open 90 minutes before first pitch)
06:40p – First Pitch
10:00p – Depart T-Mobile Park*
11:00p – Return Marysville Tulalip Hotel & Casino
11:30p – Return Stanwood Park & Ride
12:00a – Arrive Burlington Airporter Shuttle Office
12:30a – Arrive Bellingham Four Points by Sheraton
12:45a – Arrive Affinity in Bellingham

*Bus will depart 30 minutes after the final out or once all passengers are on board, whichever comes first.

Call 866-235-5247 to reserve your seat.

REFUND POLICY: Fully refundable minus a $5 processing fee or account credit, until 30 days prior to departure of this tour. As of Thursday, April 27, this tour is no longer eligible for a refund. If Bellair Tours is able to resell your tickets (i.e. waitlist) prior to the game, you will be eligible for a refund or account credit. You are also welcomeD to transfer your tickets to someone else in the 30 days prior to departure with no additional fees.